Men Facts

Boys never like buying domestic stuffs from the market.
Men are concerned on petty issues than women.
Men are are more concerned on the women virginity than theirs.
Is very hard for a man to have one lover.
Men are good at deceiving but women are good at convincing.
They are good at thinking one thing at a time.
Male chauvinism begins when they they are in the womb.
Men rarely have mercy on fellow men as compared to women.
Most adolescent boys believes in physical strength than mental strength.
Most men who doesn't fight during adolescent are likely to be controlled in marriage by their wives.
Men are 98% likely to fall in love with women who serve them than those who talk to them.
During erection men have 10% control of their mind.
Extroverts men are famous for being romantic.
Introverts men are famous for creativity and intelligence.
What a man likes most will make him laugh most.
Men can keep secret for a long time than women.
Most of them don't like church.
men can stay together than women.
Whatever a man does during childhood he is likely to do it in future.
Most men love their mother than their father.
Mostly men dislikes being compared with other men by their wives.
The worst mock a woman can give a man is to tell him that he can't satisfy her on bed.